The real Keryn

Work time: I love what I do! My work time is my time to escape ‘mum-life’ and delve into connecting with people & helping join the dots.

Home: Home is all about family time for me. I have 2 beautiful (and at times challenging) young children, who have taught me patience and resilience. But also, they have given me the most amazing perspective around life priorities & pushing yourself to find balance.

I am a big believer in the saying ‘Life is too Short’ and am forever offering this piece of advice to anyone needing to hear it.

Fun Facts : Kiwi born, happily married to the most supportive husband anyone could ask for, love to laugh, Christmas obsessed and cannot wait to take my kids to Lapland once they are old enough.

Career wise I am still a Real Estate Agent at heart. 8 years as a LREA has imbedded in me a natural sales mindset, and I believe at the core of it all, we are solution creators.

My recruitment journey started with a recruitment agency assisting me as a job seeker. The more we spoke, the more I felt like the services they were offering were something I would love to get into career wise. From me flipping the script and instead pitching my skillset to them to hire me, I was onboard within a month and have never looked back!

Real Recruiters is the natural career progression for me. It is allowing me to create an exciting and forward-thinking agency that will reshape how recruitment can and should be done.

Give Keryn a call on 0404 041 084