Real Recruiters for business people

Chances are there’s a gap in your business because:

  • an important role needs filling asap

  • your business is growing and fresh skills are vital

  • someone in the team has been promoted

  • tell us your reasons for looking…

Don’t like forms - no worries, give us a call

Or maybe you’d prefer a Teams meeting…

On a tight budget?

Real Recruiters is pleased to offer clients an easy way to pay our fees by monthly direct debit instalments with APay. Click on the image to learn more >

If you choose to partner with us to find your team member you will receive:

  • Role insights session - buckle up for our comprehensive exploration of your staffing needs, workplace culture, and business goals

  • Ideal colleague anatomy - we’ll examine the attributes, skills and knowledge needed to fit into your team

  • Show them the money - we’ll assist you to assess the market when setting salaries, benefits, and incentives

  • Grab their attention - job ad creation designed to appeal to your ideal colleague and we put it where they’re more likely to find it, not just Seek

  • Looking under rocks search - we will undertake a comprehensive investigation using databases, online networks, and recruiter connections to find active and passive talent

  • Detective work - we will conduct an assessment interview, check social media, and talk with referees (not just send them an email survey)

  • Interview date set-up - we’ll organise it, send invites, help you prepare questions, and play neutral intermediary via Teams if you’d like

  • Feedback loop - we’ll gather additional info, support decision-making and facilitate the acceptance process

  • Agreement review - we’ll run an objective eye over your offer letter

  • Let’s go - we’ll provide onboarding advice and ‘how’s it going’ milestones for you and your new team member

Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people
— Steve Jobs