Real Recruiters for role seekers

You’re ready to consider opportunities:

  • you’ve outgrown where you are, no internal promotions

  • you’re keen to earn more or want better benefits

  • you’re no longer enjoying the workplace culture

  • you need more flexibility, like hybrid or remote arrangements

  • you’re moving to a Newcastle or the Central Coast

  • tell us your reasons for looking…

Don’t like forms - no worries, give us a call

If we decide to work with each other you will receive:

  • Resume review - three quick tips you can implement straight away

  • Career aspirations chat - more in-depth to learn about your goals

  • Role requirements convo - we want to know what you’re after

  • Role matching - ongoing, we’ll keep you informed of suitable roles

  • Non-spammy updates - quarterly emails with informative content

  • Keep me in the loop - check-ins to assist with your career progression

If you are shortlisted:

  • Regular updates - you won’t be left wondering over the weekend

  • Referee heads-up - we will ask you before we contact your advocates

  • Interview prep - hate ‘em? we’ll give you strategies based on your fears

  • Post-interview feedback - from you and from your potential boss

  • Nitty gritty negotiation - we’ll smooth this bit out for you

  • Next-time plan - if you’re not selected we’ll listen, then look for your ‘next’ opportunity, after all we know you pretty well by now!

  • Success next steps - if you are successful we’ll cheer, offer resignation tips, and calm the first day nerves

  • But that’s not it - we’ll catch up for regular temperature checks

The future depends on what you do today
— Mahatma Gandhi